What about scripts made for X3AP - are they compatible with X3TC? Otherwise you should be able to use it without problems. If either or both of these listed statements is true for a script, it will have to be adjusted to properly work in X3AP.
Please check their specific topics for further information.) (The Ship Command Slots list in the English Community Script & Mod Download Library shows that this is only true for a small amount of scripts, whereby some of them have been adjusted already to work with X3AP. Using a custom command slot with an id between 13.a sector or a specific station within a sector) from X3TC that doesn't exist in X3AP anymore.
However, there might be problems, if the script in question does one of the following things: This means that most of the scripts written for X3TC will work in X3AP just fine. X3: Albion Prelude has been designed to load any script written for X3: Terran Conflict, when properly installed into the X3AP game folder. Are scripts and mods for X3TC compatible with X3AP and vice versa?